Policies and Values
“To be an inter-cultural, inter-generational hub church, that loves, welcomes and includes all people.”
Love God, love others, serve the World in Jesus’ name.
GraceInclusionDignityFaith & Hope
A Safe Place for Children
We affirm that all people are made in the image of God. We believe that God reaches out to us in love and acceptance and calls us to do the same to others. We believe that children are important. We are called to demonstrate this belief in our response to grow and share in the mission of Jesus Christ.
As a community of faith we are committed to provide safe places where people are cared for, nurtured and sustained.
We commit ourselves to the care, protection and safety of all children and seek to provide a safe environment where they can encounter God, develop relationships as part of a community of faith and grow in their faith and obedience to Jesus Christ.
Fair Trade
We support Fair Trade by purchasing Fairtrade products
We support Fair Trade by purchasing Fairtrade products
- A fair and stable price for their produce
- Security of long-term contracts
- Investment in local community development
- Improved working conditions
- Environmentally sustainable farming methods
- Support in gaining the knowledge and skills needed to operate successfully in the global economy
Fairtrade delivers a better deal for farmers and producers in the developing world through: