What's Happening - Rockdale Uniting Church

Real life happens everyday.  
Don’t face it alone.
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We have a 'Lessons and Carols' on 15 December, and our Christmas Day service will be held at 9.30am.
We'd love to see you.

Check out what's happening in our church on our facebook page

IGNITE – is a monthly gathering of youth and young adults from the local area to come together and worship God.  
Ignite is hosted in different locations each month.
The Georges River Presbytery facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/grpuca/) will tell you where and when IGNITE will be on each month.

Years 7 -12 ..  Stay turned for the next event  (https://www.facebook.com/grpuca/)

In addition to our Sunday Services we have:

Our church buildings are used by many community groups throughout the week, and the
'Arise and Shine' Nepali congregation worship in the church on Sunday evenings.

Rockdale Uniting Church.  5 Bay Street, Rockdale NSW 2216
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